A process as special & Unique as your business

Check out our signature process designed to know your business better and create the brand of your vision.

 Our Signature Process

Brand Design - Redefining the Vision

Post conducting our visual identity research and using your brand vision booklet as a guide, we develop 3 visual mood options which also doubles as a visual direction moving forward.

Once you have selected the direction you feel is in line with your business goals and vision, we will create for you a unique visual brand. We bring out all the bells and whistles - from custom draw illustrations to custom typographies. We believe in showcasing the entire vision so you can watch your brand come to life.

Not sure if we are the one for you? Check out our visual identity offering! →

Inquire Call

Start by filling out the Inquiry form, so we know more about you, your business, where it stands and where you envision it to be. After filling out the form, you will be redirected to a Calendly link to schedule a FREE consultation call. On this call, we discuss your business needs, your project budget and timeline and of course determine if we’re a good fit to collaborate on your brand’s design vision.

Book your FREE Consult →

Book Us

48h from our call, you will receive a personalised project proposal which will outline how we can help your business, the deliverables you will receive at each stage and the investment you are looking at alongside a suitable payment plan. Once you have decided to work with us (Yay!), we will be sending out a contract along with the invoice for the first deposit. Since some projects can run for over 4-6 months, you might phase specific contracts.

Want to see our past work? Click here →

Brand Strategy - Defining the Why

Brand Strategy is the first step and most crucial part of our design process. This is where we define the essence of your brand and define its story. We do this by collaborating on a series of brand workshops each designed to uncover what makes you unique and will help you stand out in the sea of the same.

Once successfully completed, you will receive an in-depth Brand Vision booklet outlining your brand’s story and marketing tools you can use throughout the lifetime of your business.

Check out our Brand Strategy offerings →

Brand Website - Inspiring Action

Each brand deserves a unique web estate that speaks to its dream customers. That’s why we custom design and code each website. To begin this process we outline features you would love incorporated within your website followed by a lengthy questionnaire on the content you would wish to see on each page. Our team then designs and codes it to your preferred website hosting platform, however, we recommend Wix, Squarespace and Shopify.

Check out our Brand Web offerings →

Brand Launch - Reavling the brand

We now send you off ready to launch with the digital and print-ready files of your brand identity, and packaging design along with a style guidelines booklet. We also hand over your website access so you can make edits along as your business grows.


Ready to take the leap